
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Microsoft Imagine cup 2012 info

imagine cup 2012
Imagine cup 2012
Imagine Cup 2012 has begun several months ago and its nearly to finish. 10 July is the grand finale day where the winner team will be announced.Imagine Cup is the platform for those IT enthusiast who wants to make a big difference , difference to make progress and progress for all. Student from  different countries have participated in Microsoft's Imagine Cup 2012.
Students will be competing on three categories :

  iSoftware Design
 ii) Game Design: Xbox/Windows
iii) Game Design: Phone
Beside those categories student can also compete on several category such as windows azure challenge ,windows phone challenge , Windows metro style app Challenge  , Kinect fun lab challenge.
Imagine Cup Worldwide finalist can be found Here
Judges from different country will be judging at the grand finale day of Imagine Cup 2012. All of the judges are IT professionals and are expert on various IT field.
List of the Imagine Cup Grand Finale Judges can be found Here

Coca cola and Microsoft's are the joint partner to organize this competition.The winner will be awarded by health awareness award and Environmental sustainability award including Peoples choice award of  $10,000.The team who got maximum vote till July 8 will get People's choice award from Microsoft

Best of luck to all Finalist and hope they will be success to make different taste of  the technology.

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